Kebby's Creative Consulting - Package 3
Kebby's Creative Consulting - Package 3
● This Program is (3) months in duration.
● Client will be granted: (1) onboarding questionnaire to deep dive into goals; (2) 50-60 minute phone meetings once a week for 4 weeks; (3) 50-60 minute phone meeting once a month for two additional months; (4) 1.5-2 hour in person visit from Kebby to understand your business environment and tap into new innovative revenue streams.
■ 4 Phone Sessions, once a week for 4 weeks
■ 2 Follow Up Phone Sessions, once per month
■ 1.5-2 hour in person visit to brainstorm additional innovative revenue streams
Option 3:
In addition to the four scheduled calls, 2 additional phone calls will be included, and a follow-up phone session within 30-60-90 days to reassess and address any emerging needs your studio may have. Option 3 also extends to an in-person brainstorming session, a comprehensive quarterly planning package, employee roles and hiring forms, fostering collaboration to generate creative ideas, explore new avenues for program expansion, develop an employee handbook, refine studio design, and formulate a detailed quarterly plan. This immersive experience aims to deepen our understanding of your studio's culture, strengths, and challenges, resulting in a more tailored and effective growth strategy. The follow-up call offers an opportunity to address any newly identified actionable items post the in-person session.
Worksheets and Documentation:
Complementing Package 2's worksheets and documentation, this option includes off-site training and contract examples, additional action items to bolster your studio's growth, the creation of comprehensive employee handbooks for both in-studio and on-site operations, and the formulation of specific policies and procedures for classes, parties, and drop-ins, and an example of curriculum for classes and camps with the hopes of continuing our work together to create robust curriculum development for your studio. As an added value, Kebby provides insights by sharing her current employee packet, encompassing a detailed and thorough employee handbook and employee agreements. These needs can be tailored to your studio and are not limited to the above.
Package 3 fee: $2200